Life has been a whirl-wind since getting married. We've moved to Iowa, are settling into a new apartment, and I've started a successful career as an insurance agent, while Michael makes his way through his freshman year of Podiatry School at DMU. It's been quite an adjustment and there's a long road ahead of us, before we're able to make it back to Texas, but we're just trying to enjoy the ride...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Everything Inbetween

Oh where do I even begin?...well, I suppose I’ll start where I last remember leaving off- Thanksgiving! We had our Thanksgiving Day meal with my boss, Jeff, and his family and we had our own little meal by ourselves the day before. While cooking an entire thanksgiving meal by yourself in a tinie tiny kitchen and one oven isn’t quite ideal, Michael and I never get any time together, so I really wanted our first holiday alone to be special. Though it didn’t end up quite how I imagined it because Michael was gone for the most of the day until about 9 pm, the food sure was yummy lol. I ended up eating it by myself because I was so hungry after skipping breakfast and lunch to save room for our feast, and Michael wouldn’t answer his phone, so I had no idea when he would get home. It was a hard day to be by yourself.  Our meal this year consisted of: deviled eggs, ham, tomato and bacon green beans, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, broccoli cheese rice casserole, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry jello salad, and chocolate pie. Believe it or not, we actually finished almost every bit of it in the days that followed. 

On the actual day of, I woke up early to make a corn casserole and chocolate pie and then headed to Jeff’s house. Everything was good and after our Thanksgiving lunch, the guys all watched football while I took a nap on Michael. On the way home, we picked up a newspaper to see if we could find any good black Friday deals that would be worth battling the crowds. We found a few ads we thought would be worth checking out, so around 11 PM, we hit Walmart and Michael’s. Looking back, I don’t think we even bought anything on sale lol. But we did have a Texan moment to speak of! While we were at Walmart, we asked one of the employees in the electronics section where the Black Friday DVD’s were at. He told us they were in the pop section. Thinking he meant the isle with pop cd’s, we looked all around, but couldn’t find them. Finally, we asked another worker who told us the exact same thing but pointed in the direction they would be at. While looking in that direction, the light bulb went off in Michael’s head. “Ohhhh, they meant pop, as in coke!” Needless to say, we felt dumb.

On Black Friday we meant to go shopping pretty early, but neither of us woke up to our alarms. At about 11AM, Michael woke up to me jumping out of bed telling him we had to go! We were missing all the good sales that end at noon! Feeling a bit defeated, I told him nevermind because I didn’t think we were going to be able to make the sales. Michael wouldn’t take no for an answer. He knows how much I love black Friday with my mom, grandma, and girl cousins every year and didn’t want me to miss out. Though I looked like a sloppy mess, with greasy hair pulled up in a ponytail, we made one of the sales that ended at noon and found lots of good deals at the stores that had sales all day long. We genuinely had a great time together and I appreciated Michael’s willingness to go with me, despite his hatred of shopping. 

On the Sunday following Thanksgiving, we went and cut down our beautiful Christmas tree from one of the local tree farms. Since I was a little girl, picking out a tree is one of my favorite days of the year! There is just something so special about finding the perfect gem that will mark the center of your holiday festivities. By the time we got home, picked up some dinner to-go at Zombie Burger, put the tree in the stand and vacuumed, we were too tired to decorate it. We decided to decorate it the next night. Looking back, I wish we had just sucked it up and decorated it. Michael didn’t have a single free moment for the next few weeks so we didn’t end up decorating it until mid December- only about a week before leaving for Texas. Even still, it filled the apartment with the sweet smell of pine and we had a nice place to store all the presents. Oh and let’s not forget that it was the perfect chew toy for Darcy…sigh. 

After we finally did decorate the tree, we couldn’t find an ornament that we each liked for our new ornament to represent the year. Michael didn’t like how generic they all were at Hobby Lobby and Hallmark, and we couldn’t find any little mom and pop shops that had any. Frustrated, we finally just decided to wait till we got back in TX. Michael ended up getting a spurs stocking, which was perfect because he got spurs tickets in his stocking on Christmas day, and I got a little stuffed snowman, which represented our first blizzard in Iowa…more about that later!

 Darcy's stocking :) I made it to match the rest of the family's

 She would not stop eating our tree, or the ornaments!

Well, much of my Fall and Winter was consumed by work. Our biggest season of the year is October 15th- December 7th, which is Medicare Advantage Season, so outside of thanksgiving and Christmas preparations, I was busy making money. I was so relieved when the end of the season finally arrived, and even better was that I hit the goal my boss gave us to hit 75 sales. As a reward, he gave us a catalogue and let us pick our own prize from it. I think Michael and I are either going to pick the 32” plasma screen for our bedroom, or get the kitchen aid mixer and sell it to help pay the cost of fixing Michael’s broken fillings over Christmas break. 

This year’s winter in Iowa is a bit different from last years. Last year, they had the warmest winter on record! This year, a blizzard arrived on the day we were supposed to have our office Christmas party and leave for our vacation in Texas. My boss and co-workers kept texting and calling me the days leading up to it, telling me to go ahead and hit the road early so we wouldn’t be trapped, but we couldn’t. Neither of us had even begun to pack and Michael had a meeting with his Dean. We did end up getting trapped for a couple days extra, but that was okay with the both of us. I had time to clean and do some laundry so we wouldn’t come home to a messy house, plus we finally had a moment to breathe- just Michael and I (and the doggies of course).  

 This was in the middle of the night, when we first got the snow

We played in the snow, made Christmas cookies, and watched a Christmas movie. We would have watched more than one, but the blizzard knocked out our internet and cable. We were so so thankful to have some time together and it was a neat experience to see our first ever blizzard! To tell you the truth, as much as I always miss Texas and our friends and family, I think we both would have been perfectly happy just staying here and having some us time. This past semester has been the worst one yet! Michael stays gone at school until about 3am studying and leaves as soon as he wakes me up in the morning for work. I’m talking every day, Monday-Sunday. Being alone constantly, every day, is the hardest part of all of it. Moving to a new place, even a place as boring as Iowa, wouldn’t be too bad, if I had a husband to come home to- even every once in a while. Well, I guess even him being gone wouldn’t be as bad, if he would at least call/txt every once in a while to let me know if he was alright. It makes me so anxious never knowing what’s going on. I almost always try to stay up and wait for him to get home, so I can at least tell him goodnight, but I am generally too sleepy and just end up being exhausted the next day.  

 Gizmo is so nosey :)

 My cookies

 Michael's cookies haha

Anyway, our trip to Texas was full of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but we had a great time visiting everyone! We started the trip off at the King’s for a couple days before heading down to Lake Jackson to have our Elkins and McGuire Family gift exchanges. On Christmas morning, we opened our millions of presents at my Aunt Mary and Uncle Bobby’s, along with my immediate family and both my grandmas. Ryan and Aubra also got to join us for lunch on Christmas day, which was so exciting for me! I think it has been a few years since we got to have Christmas with them, because Ryan has to travel so much for his job. It was perfect!

 Christmas morning!

 Dad's present. We were so excited to give it to him lol

Spurs Tickets!

Michael's new gun

 Michael and Dad showing off their new jackets/coats

 McGuire cousins

  Michael’s most exciting gifts were his new handgun from my parents and I, and Spurs tickets from Santa ;). I wanted to get him everything he would want, but didn’t think he could have. He always tells me stories of when he was really little, before his dad got laid off, and his parents would go all out for Christmas. I wanted to recreate that for him. He works so unbelievably hard ALL THE TIME, and he deserves the world. It was extra special when he opened his presents because on our trip down to Texas Michael turned to me and said “Oh my gosh, we should have gotten Spurs tickets!!” This is probably our last chance to watch Duncan play”. He looked so disappointed; it was hard to play along. Then in another convo, Michael told me “one day, we’ll have a lot of money and I can get a handgun.” It made my heart overjoyed to think about how happy he would be on Christmas morning. My dad also got him all the accessories to go with his new toy, which was the cherry on top! My main gift from Michael was my DSLR that he gave me back in October, but he also gave me a remote starter for my car, and I got more than I would ever expect or ask for from my parents and other family. 

On Christmas day, we traveled back to San Antonio to spend some time with our friends Lauren, Dylan, Erin, and Jake that night.  I wish I had pics, but it was a fun time that will live on in my memories. Sorry…does that sound super cheesy? Lol because sadly, it’s the truth. We don’t ever ever get to hang out with friends here together because Michael doesn't have time for any sort of life outside of school. I really cannot even explain how jealous I am of people I see on facebook that get to hang out with friends regularly. At one point, we were all laughing at something and I was reminded that I haven’t laughed that hard since summer, over our cruise. I feel like right now we’re just living for the glimpse of happiness we get a couple times a year. I can’t even imagine the kind of happiness that will come with being done with school and having time together.

The next couple of days were spent in SA celebrating Christmas with the Kings, with intermittent Lauren and Dylan time and a Spurs game. It was a lot of fun! On one of the days, we went out to eat Mexican food with Lauren and Dylan (since we’re deprived in Iowa) and went bowling, where I scored my highest score ever!  Seemed like time really sped by and then it was already time to go to the ranch with my family. I was so excited, though! Going to the ranch is one of my favorite family events every year! My Aunt Mary, Uncle Bobby, Grandma Margie, and cousin, Kristyn, always join us, and this year Ryan and Aubra even got to come, since Ryan wasn’t away for work! Though our trip was dampened a little by the Flu, I think we all had a fun time…with the exception of my mom, who was super super sick for the entire time. Michael even shot his first deer! 

 Just on a walk at the land
 She was exhausted from running around all day :)

 from the blind

 pulled pork and brisket mmmm!

 She found a random animal bone

 Teaching me

 my big baby girl

 first deer

 learning how to clean it

 Dixie (mom's dog). She was worn out too hehe
 Kristyn brought some stuff that you sprinkle on a fire and it makes it all colored. It was really cool!

On the last day of our trip to the land, the Flu finally caught up with me. I was pretty bummed because it was New Years Eve and it was going to be our last chance to see Lauren and Dylan. In fact, they had made plans to go to Austin to celebrate, but they ended up staying in town just to spend more time with us! Imagine how bad I felt when we had to cancel! After a few days of resting up, I was back to normal and we got to enjoy some more time visiting with the Kings, plus I made a couple trips to visit my favorite two little girlies, Myla and Taylor. We concluded our time in San Antonio at Ryan and Aubra’s Cotton Bowl Party. It was a great time and exciting to watch our boys destroy Oklahoma. What an awesome way to end the best and most unexpected season in Aggie history (at least in my life time)! It was especially gratifying on our drive through Oklahoma the next morning on our way back to Iowa, as we passed all the cars decked out with Sooners decals on their windows.

Our drive home was long, although it was broken up by a nice pit stop in Dallas to visit our family friend, Troy, at the fire station he works at. We had a short tour of his equipment and the trucks, lunch with all the firemen, and it was back on the road. It was a depressing ride, and the further we got from home, the more it set in that we were headed back to the misery that we call Iowa. It’s not Iowa itself that’s so horrible, but the stress and pressure and strain that Michael’s school puts on him and us is overwhelming and the freezing temperatures and gloomy weather for months on end doesn’t help anything. We both kept encouraging each other and taking turns convincing the other that it would go fast and everything will be fine, but we both knew that saying the words doesn’t make it any more true.